Big events for a big year!

Celebrate with us over the next few months

Celebrating 200 years is really something special. So KIT has come up with some special events - for you and for its employees.

Events Calendar

Monday, 26 May 2025
Guided tour Art & Science
KIT Campus Süd, Treffpunkt an der Pallas Athene im Ehrenhof

Kunst am Campus Süd owes its existence mainly to the ‘Kunst am Bau’ programme of the state of Baden-Württemberg. Since the mid-1950s, artists have been developing their ideas on the subject of art and science as the campus buildings were being constructed.
The number of participants is limited to 20 people.
Registration at

Friday, 06 June 2025
Kulturküche Karlsruhe, Kaiserstraße 47 - 76131 Karlsruhe

Das Eucor-Team am KIT lädt am Freitag, 6. Juni zum 2. Eucor-Dinner nach Karlsruhe ein. Auf dem Programm stehen unter anderem interkulturelle Workshops, Informationen zu Eucor und ein gemeinsames Abendessen. Das Event findet in deutscher und französischer Sprache statt. Studierende der Eucor-Universitäten Basel, Freiburg, Haute-Alsace, Strasbourg und vom KIT sind dazu eingeladen. 
Weitere Informationen und Anmeldelinks folgen 

Thursday, 26 June 2025
9:00 - 19:00 
Aktionstag Lust auf Zukunft! Fokus: Good Leadership
SteamWork | GoodSpaces
Roonstraße 23a …

Healthy self-leadership and successful relationships with others are the basis for responsible leadership. The students of today will become the leaders of tomorrow: The day offers plenty of inspiration with mini-workshops, a keynote speech and joint dialog in a World Café on which skills for good leadership are already being developed during studies and will be important in the future. 
We will be accompanied by actors who live good leadership in their leadership actions. 
The event is organized by the Leadership Talent Lab (HoC) and aims all interested persons. KIT students can attend the workshop via the courses offered by the HoC. 

15:45 - 20:30 
Dialogtag - Economy & Technology
Gebäude 09.20, Blücherstraße 17, 76185 Karlsruhe

The KIT Department of Economics and Management invites you to the “Dialogtag - Business & Technology” on June 26, 2025! In line with the Science Year 2025 and the focus topic of the 200th anniversary of KIT, the guiding theme of the Dialogtag is: “Affordable and Reliable Energy”. We are very pleased that Prof. Antonio J. Conejo, Professor at the Integrated System Engineering Department and the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Ohio State University, will give a keynote speech. In addition, doctoral researches will give insights into current research projects in the “WiWi Junior Research Talks”.
The Dialogtag will conclude with the annual faculty celebration and the presentation of the science awards as well as a get-together. All employees, students of the Department of Economics and Management and other interested parties are cordially invited.

Monday, 30 June 2025
18:00 - 21:00 
„Transformation als Gemeinschaftswerk – Warum die Multikrise das Wir fordert“ – Festveranstaltung zu 30 Jahren Technikfolgenabschätzung in Karlsruhe mit Maja Göpel
Maja Göpel

Neue Technologien können unser Leben bereichern und angenehmer machen – sie bergen aber auch Risiken und Herausforderungen. Seit 30 Jahren forscht das Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse daran, wie sich die Potenziale von Technik nutzen und unerwünschte Folgen vermeiden lassen.

Zum Jubiläum hat das ITAS Maja Göpel eingeladen, eine der wichtigsten Stimmen im Feld nachhaltiger Entwicklung und Transformation. Die Wissenschaftlerin und Autorin spricht darüber, wie unsere Gesellschaft trotz Krisen und technologischer Umbrüche positiv nach vorne blicken kann.

Eintritt frei, keine Anmeldung notwendig

Tuesday, 01 July 2025
Wissenswoche NEULAND
TRIANGEL Transfer | Kultur | Raum
Kaiserstraße 93 …

We invite you to the Knowledge Week on the topics of technology transfer, innovation and NEULAND. From young to old, from researchers to enterprising citizens to start-up enthusiasts: With focus days on the areas of industry, transfer pathways, entrepreneurs, inventiveness and family & friends, we have a diverse program to look back on innovative stories at KIT and change the world of tomorrow together.
Further information will follow. Free admission, no registration required, event in german and in presence.
